I will start my blogs with my latest scientific endeavor, modeling the pandemic. I have been astounded by the level of political discourse that has been injected into the scientific research and our subsequent suggestions at tackling this dire disease. I experienced the same, many times derision, while a climate researcher at NASA. In fact, I left to private industry renewables when GOP led assaults' led to censorship and drastic funding cuts at Earth Sciences. Despite this I believe science is finally prevailing in the climate war. Let the luddites walk into the dark ages, they are becoming more irrelevant each passing hour. With that said, I will be brief in this initial post. I should be working on a Covid model problem introduced by the CDC's ineptitude in data management. I have noticed recently that there is a general public view that Covid is over and this is the "new normal". This is often paired with the view that "capitalism will fix this". The ...
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